Plate 33. 1. Wood Strawberry 2. Shrubby Cinquefoil 3. Wild Tansy 4. Common creeping Cinquefoil 5. Marsh Cinquefoil, or Purple Marshlocks 6. Trailing Tormentil 7. Water Avens 8 Mountain Avens
In her introduction to this work, Mrs. Loudon (1807-1858) stated her goal to be to create a work that would be useful to ladies interested in flowers and would encourage the study of botany “which has hitherto been too much neglected… I shall take only the most ornamental plants, and I shall not figure any flowers that are common in gardens. My object is to enable any amateur who may find a pretty flower growing in the wild to ascertain its name and some particulars respecting it.”
Hand colored lithograph.
11 ¼ x 8 5/8 inches, sheet.
Light overall toning.
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