antique prints, maps and watercolors

William Nicholson. (Marquis of Anglesea) History of the Wars occasioned by the French Revolution. London 1816. $165.00

click for detailed image MarquisAnglesea.jpg

“Lieut. Gen. the Marquis of Anglesea”

Charming hand colored wood engravings from an early 19th century treatise on the French Revolution “embellished with elegant engravings.”  The cumbersome  title describes the work completely:  The History of the Wars occasioned by The French Revolution including an Early History of France and the Circumstances which led to the Revolution in that country; together with a complete History of the Revolution in France, the War in Spain and Portugal, Russia , Prussia &c &c with biographical sketches of all Public Characters of Europe, exhibiting a correct account of the General Congress at Vienna, The escape of Bonaparte from the Isle of Elba, The flight of  Louis XVIII from his capital, the defeat of Bonaparte at the ever memorable Battle of Waterloo, his surrender to the British and his Exile to the Island of St Helena, with the Result of the return and re-establishment of Louis XVIII On the Throne of France.

Wood engraving with full original hand color
9.5 x 15 inches sheet
Condition: Transference