antique prints, maps and watercolors

Pl.LVII A Natural History of Insects. London, 1724. $350.00

click for detailed image albinlviivlg.jpg

Eleazer Albin (d. 1741)  was a watercolorist with a special interest in natural history. His earliest drawings are in the British Museum. He had the financial support of many socially and scientifically important people of the day. Sir Hans Sloan encouraged his work and Sloan had Albin paint some of the natural history specimens he collected.
Albin created these beautifully decorative early 18th century depictions of moths, caterpillars, butterflies pupae and their habitats  for inclusion in A Natural History of Insects, the earliest work devoted to the depiction of British moths and butterflies.  Each of the beautifully engraved plates is dedicated to a member of English nobility or a person of high rank in early 18th century English society.
Dedicated to the Countess of Schaumbourg Lipp and Buckenbourg.

9 x 11 ½ inches, sheet.
Copperplate engraving with original hand coloring.
Excellent condition.

Framed to 17 1/4 x 14 3/4 inches, overall.
Also available unframed for $150. Please contact us to arrange. 610-687-2552.