antique prints, maps and watercolors

(Spanish Mackarel) ...Fishes of the British Islands. London, 1877. $95.00

click for detailed image couchspanishmackarelvlg.jpg "Spanish Mackarel"

Jonathan Couch was an ichthyologist, local doctor, botanist, archaeologist and classical scholar.  His A History of the Fishes of the British Islands published in four volumes between 1862 and 1865, is considered to be his major work. It continues to be referenced by scientists and fishermen today. The illustrations were drawn by Alex F. Lydon after drawings by Couch. They were engraved and color printed from woodblocks by Benjamin Fawcett and finished by hand.

Described by Couch as an “ever-wandering race,” the mackarel is found in temperate and tropical seas. They are from the family Scombridae. The “Spanish Mackarel,” is also known as the Scomberomorous maculatus.

7 x 10 inches, sheet.
Hand colored steel engraving.
Excellent condition.
With accompanying text.