antique prints, maps and watercolors

S.F. Denton. (Black Bass) Game Fish of New York State. 1895-1907. $125.00

click for detailed image Denton Large Mouth Bass.jpg

"The Large-Mouthed Black Bass [Micropterus Salmoides]”

Sherman Foote Denton (1856-1937) was an artist, scientist and naturalist from an accomplished New England family, who worked as an artist at the U.S. Fish Commission at the Smithsonian. The State of New York Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission hired Denton to illustrate their annual reports from 1895 through 1907. Each annual report contained between 12-14 chromolithographed plates. Accurately drawn and beautifully colored, these fish “portraits” were immediate hits and set the standard for all others that followed.

Chromolithograph 9½ x 12 inches sheet.
Excellent condition.