“Group of Fen & Moor Birdsl 1. Water Hen 2.Curlew 3. Common Snipe 4 & 5. Ruff & Reeve 6. Lapwing
A hard to find English reference work on sporting. This hand colored lithograph was included in The Book of Field Sports and Library of Veterinary Knowledge printed in London c. 1870, edited by Henry Downes Miles and printed by Henry Lea. With the development of a great English middle class, there was now time for recreation and books written on leisure time activities (fishing, hunting and racing being favorite pastimes). The text was well illustrated with quirky and charming lithographed plates ranging from description of dogs, fowl, race horse and horse anatomy, along with the appropriate “implements” for each sport; guns, fishing lies, reels, poles etc. Terrific prints for the sportsman or the library wall!
Lithograph with full hand color
9 ¾ x 12 inches sheet size
Excellent condition.
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