antique prints, maps and watercolors

(Dryburgh Abbey) ...Abbeys of Britain. London: William MacKenzie, 1882. $295.00

click for detailed image abbeysdryburghvlg.jpg

"Dryburgh Abbey"

A. F. Lydon's illustrations for Frederick Ross's work The Ruined Abbeys of Britain are beautiful colored lithographs  that are the essence of the picturesque.   The artist showed the ruined Gothic structures melding with the vibrant green surroundings of the lush British countryside. As the preface states  "nature has stepped in, and by mantling the ruins with ivy, not only hid from view the wounds inflicted by the hand of man, and those caused by time and neglect, but added a new and picturesque feature, which by contrasting its green foliage with the grey old walls, gives a charming aspect to many of these venerable relics."

10 x 14 1/4 inches, sheet.
Excellent condition.