Pl 22 Square parterres
Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527 – c. 1607) was a Dutch Renaissance, painter, and engineer. From 1555 on, Hans Vredeman de Vries had a busy career producing pattern books. In 1583, his Hortorvm viridariorvmqve, was issued which was an influential volume devoted exclusively to gardens. His designs show an important novelty, parterres de pièces coupées (knot-pattern parterres), which were meant for the display of the exotic plants newly introduced to Europe from far=flung places.
Vredeman de Vries’s designs for parterres reimagine classical orders, with the Doric represented by geometric patterns, the Ionic by circular and volute motifs, and the Corinthian by labyrinths, though sometimes the distinctions between the Corinthian and the Ionic are less than clear.
Lovely example of Vredeman’s work, hand colored at a later date.
Copperplate engraving hand colored on laid paper.
11.5 x 15.5 inches sheet.
Excellent condition.
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